Player Equipment

Equipment supplied by Player:*
U7 (Ages 5-6)
- Helmet with face shield (both items CSA or NOCSAE approved) + Mouth Guard
- Shoulder pads + elbow pads
- Lacrosse gloves (hockey gloves are okay)
- Athletic Support (boys must wear a “Jock” with plastic cup and girls must wear a “Jill”)
- Basketball-type court shoes (a pair reserved for indoor use only recommended)
- Lacrosse Stick; minimum of 34 inches in length
U9 (Ages 7-8) (add to list above)
- Back/kidney pads
- Upper arm pads & slash guards (optional)
U11 & U13 (Ages 9-12) (add to list above)
- Upper arm pads & slash guards (mandatory)
U15<(Ages 13-16) (modify from list above)
- Lacrosse Stick; minimum of 40 inches in length.
Equipment supplied by the Association:
All Divisions
- Game Jersey (loaned to players) + Game Shorts (yours to keep)
- Goalie equipment + goalie stick.
*Changes to equipment rules happen. Always check with your coach to make sure you're properly equipped to play.