Things we can do to help grow the game we all love

Good Afternoon Rock Family,
This message is going out to current and past families of Semiahmoo Minor Lacrosse. My name is Mark Betts and I am the new President. As an association, our primary mandate is to increase awareness and provide the youth of our community the opportunity to participate in the great Canadian sport of box lacrosse. With that in mind, we are making a real effort to boost our registration numbers at all age levels. I am reaching out to all recent past players, who perhaps decided to try another sport for a while or missed a season, to come back and be a part of Rock Lacrosse once again. To our current players who continue with us, let’s remember to invite our siblings and friends to come out and enjoy the fun. Growing our game starts with all of you!
Things we can do to help grow the game we all love:
- Come out to experience lacrosse once again.
- Talk to friends & family who have children ages of 6-16 and let them know about lacrosse
- Tell people of our Girls teams! Semi has had very successful teams over the years.
- Encourage friends to come out and try Lacrosse for free at our drop ins for the next month
- Donate gear that children are no longer using. We will be looking into renting gear to families of younger kids who want to try the game!
- Teachers, reach out to me for possible gym classes and pamphlets that can be handed out at school.
- Call to sponsor or donate to Semi LAX, Advertising boards available at the lax box
Registration is Now Open, click here for Early Bird rates, And remember, indoor Drop in Sessions are currently underway. Use these events as an opportunity to enjoy lacrosse with your friends, dust off old skills or learn new ones for the very first time. Schedule attached.
My vision is to make South Surrey White Rock known as a LACROSSE TOWN!!! We want to see an explosion of kids signing up and playing the game we all love. Multiple teams in each division, having fun and competing for Provincial titles. Let’s get the word out, Rock Lacrosse is back in town.
Rock On!
Mark Betts
President, Semiahmoo Minor Lacrosse Association