Hello Lacrosse Families,

2021 has continued to be a challenging year for everyone. The ever-changing mandates and health rules have kept us on our toes. Given the circumstances, I’m happy to report that this season was a success for our organization. Our registration numbers surpassed our last “pre-covid” season. Particularly encouraging was the number of new players to the sport. I’m also very proud that our executive team was able to crunch the numbers and offer lacrosse to the Semiahmoo community at the lowest player cost in B.C. Our season started with practices only and morphed into a shortened season. It was great to see the kids playing the game of lacrosse again!!

I want to thank Cathy Fahlke for stepping up and taking over the treasurer’s position when Ginger and her family moved back to Alberta. All of our refunds and credits have been paid out so we are starting the 2022 box lacrosse season with a clean slate. We hope that this season will be as normal as possible.

The executive identified that our operating procedures had not been updated in over 10 years. I want to thank Sue Alfawicki, Michael Lonsbrough and Pat La Roue for helping me review the procedures and make all the appropriate updates and revisions. I’m happy to say that the task has been completed and the updated version is posted on our website.

With the unfortunate passing of our past president Randy Ellis, I stepped in and completed the final year of his term. I committed to another 2-year term last year. I’m letting everyone know that I will NOT be seeking re-election next AGM in 2022. Someone will need to step into the president position next year. I encourage all of the membership to get involved. It would be best if any interested people contact me so I can help with the transition.

Semiahmoo Lacrosse is in great shape and we are very excited to open our upcoming season with our Randy Ellis Lacrosse Days event in early April. I hope to see all of you there. Rock On!!


Colin Snyder, President SMLA