Step 1 of BC’s Restart Plan

With the May 25 announcement of B.C.’s Restart plan, local outdoor sport for all ages can now resume, including practices and games. For more information, view the Return to Sport Restart 2.0. Our Frequently Asked Questions document has been updated to reflect these recent changes.
B.C.’s Restart is the Province’s step-by-step plan to bring us back together. Here’s the latest information for sport:
- Local game play and practices: Staying local means playing within your home club until Step 2 is announced.
- Maximum participants: Up to 50 participants are allowed for adult outdoor sport activities with no spectators. Children and youth outdoor sport activities have no maximum participants to accommodate the potential need for additional adult supervision. Spectators are not permitted at any sport gathering.
- Safety plans: To simplify the process, adjust your current safety plans with Step 1 of B.C.’s Restart plan in mind.
- Please remember: The intention of the Restart is to slowly return to activities. Organizations are asked to turn the dimmer slowly when planning sport programming.