BC’s Restart Plan: Outdoor Games and Practices for Team Sports Allowed

Updated: May 26, 2021
Hello Semiahmoo Lacrosse Families,
I hope all of you are well.
We have received good news from today’s PHO announcement and viaSport BC. Effective immediately, outdoor games & practices for youth team sports are allowed to restart. This news means that we can begin playing lacrosse again.
Many restrictions remain in place; players are still required to complete their Teamsnap Health Check before entering the playing surface and are NOT allowed to participate in any activities when they are sick. And for now, as we have managed in the past, spectators at outdoor sport activities are not allowed.
Check with your coaches but I think it’s fair to suggest that players should be wearing full gear to all practices from this point forward.
We are currently looking into the possibly of scheduling outdoor games at Taylor Box for the Novice and younger divisions.
This is all very promising. I will keep everyone up to date when new information becomes available.
Colin Snyder, President
Semiahmoo Minor Lacrosse